Lake Garda Luxury Hotel La dolce vita sul lago di garda

The Lake Garda Concierge

The selection of the best luxury experiences.

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An excellent wellness service cannot be missing in a luxury holiday.

Discover the centers where you can enjoy a stay in harmony with yourself and where you can regenerate with 5-star services.

ll “Parco Termale del Garda di Villa dei Cedri” è una “SPA naturale” immersa tra piante particolari e alberi secolari dove ci sono laghi con idromassaggi, fontane e cascate, tutti con acqua termale calda proveniente due falde di profondità.Il Parco offre strutture e servizi ideali per il benessere di corpo e mente.

Villa Cedri Terme

The “Garda Thermal Park of Villa dei Cedri” is a “natural SPA” immersed in nature. There are lakes with hydromassages, fountains and waterfalls, all with hot thermal water coming from two layers deep.
The Park offers ideal structures and services for the well-being of body and mind.
The temperature of the thermal water in the lake and in the swimming pool is maintained at around 33-34 C° with areas reaching 37-39 C°.
In the Piccolo Lago the temperature is lowered to around 29-30°C to differentiate the bathing offer.

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Relais Forte Benedek – Charming Holiday Farmhouse


Within a unique context, an adults-only relais has been created with generously sized suites designed for two people within which there is an emotional shower that transforms into a Turkish bath with chromo therapy and aroma therapy.

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